Project #1: High Performance Dense Matrix Multiplication


To understand and apply:


Compare the following algorithms:

Measure the performance of these algorithms on any candidate architecture. Describe your measurement methodology: How many measurements did you take? What was the variation in the measurements? What architecture did you use? What properties did this architecture have and does it match your model? Use statistical techniques if necessary.

In your analysis, provide the asymptotic analysis of the algorithms work and cache complexity. Compare these models to your analysis. Explain the behavior you see, to the extent that it is applicable, using the models developed in the analysis.

You may work together with regard to installing MTL, All other work must be independent!

What do you turn in?

Due Date:

The project is due October 9th at 2:00pm.


Example of template meta-programming for bitonic sort including an example Makefile, and measurement method.
template_example.tar or go to template_example
Last modified: Mon Sep 16 11:23:48 CDT 2002